SvVK Råneå NAT 14/7 2019
Domare: Nina Neswadba
Antal deltagande hundar 1+3
BIR CK BIS-4 Direwolf Mac Custennin
BIM CK Direwolf Mc Coventina
Bt-2 CK CERT Galerita´s From The North
Bt-3 CK BIR-VET Brokenwheel Mc Blodeuwedd
Bt-4 CK Grayrory´s Hyacinth
Championklass hanar
EXC-1 CK BIR BIS-4 Direwolf Mac Custennin
Öppenklass tikar
EXC-1 CK CERT Bt-2 Galerita´s From The North
Championklass tikar
EXC-1 CK BIM Direwolf Mc Coventina
Veteranklass tikar
EXC-1 CK Bt-3 BIR-Veteran Brokenwheel Mc Blodeuwedd